When The Word Is In You

If you have truly studied God's word... making it a priority as you have repented of sins and made Yeshua/Jesus Lord of your life... you should be operating with a peace that surpasses all understanding right about now. When you made Christ first in everything you do... you began to seperate yourself from the ways of the world. Now as the world seems to be dealing with this plague/virus/pandemic... you are more sensitive to a move of God and what he is speaking to your heart right now as He gives you wisdom on how to confront what you see. Matthew 6:33 tells us we should always seek the Kingdom of Heaven first and then God adds things unto us. If you have made that a priority over everything in your life. You should be operating with a peace that will guard your mind and your heart (Philippians 4:6-7). You did not just start praying because of what is going on... you have been praying long before this happened. You should know what to do next as he is speaking to those who are his Children.

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