Race For The White House - A Spiritual Observation

Political Observation - White House Race:

As I watch what is happening in the race for the White House, I had this interesting revelation. The "Establishment" has created what you see, because "the People" have given the establishment fuel to do what it does. The candidates you see are products of the establishment that many have fueled with a focus on self interest... not WE the people INTERESTS.

On the one hand there is an effort to 'Dump Trump'...or "Stop Hillary."
The establishment on both sides of the aisle is worried about Trump. Yet Trump was created by the tactics the establishment has used over the years to maintain power (divide and conquer)...as the establishment fed people with code language that has shaped the minds of those who support the candidate the establishment is worried about. The candidate the establishment is worried about is the candidate that once funded the establishment's selection of candidates on both sides. Now the funder of past candidates is now funding himself as a candidate on one side and speaking outwardly what some have been thinking.

The Establishment created what you see, but now it can't control what it created. It's like those sci-fi movies regarding artificial intelligence. You know... when man creates a machine to control... but the machine breaks away from man to destroy humanity. It's that Pandoras box. But the people can not blame the establishment for this... the people must blame themselves because the system is made up of people you send to represent you. And if our minds are selfish in nature... then what we send to Washington or any other place are those who will feed us what our minds desire.

So I will pray to God for Him to show me what candidate has a heart that is close to allowing him in. That's the candidate I will choose...but I have to be in a position to hear from God (1 Corinthians 2:10). Otherwise I will choose based on my emotions and what I see happening in the natural. Lord... show me who has the ability to hear from you because right now.. I see NONE that really are walking with you. LIVING it out. Where the Holy Spirit is dwelling.. there is liberty. Liberty represents freedom. The Holy Spirit restores...completes... but it never tears apart. Those who have the Holy Spirit in them will speak to the wickedness as one walks in the truth.

We should test the spirit by the spirit. But first we should make sure the spirit that dwells in us (influencing our decisions) is of God and the only way to know that is to go to His word. Begin by studying Galatians 5:19-21 and then studying Galatians 5:22-26. What fruit are you producing? Once you know that.. then you test your spirit by the the spirit of the person you are trying to support. Tie it back to Galatians 5:19-26. If you fall in Galatians 5:19-21...then you will want someone just like you...especially if that person is LIVING it by what you see. If you fall in Galatians 5:22-26... then now you have eyes to see... and God will show you the way...and who is with him.

Who is with Him or is close to being with him (heart thing only God can see)...may not be the candidate in your party of preference, but if your party of preference is your foundation for living.. you will put more value in the party rather than what God is showing you.

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