As it is WRITTEN... JESUS IS the WORD of GOD manifested in the likeness of sinful flesh... yet He did not sin. The law of the prophets were recorded in written form (Book/Torah). The Pharisees and Sadducees knew what was written... they could point to the scriptures. But they could not DEMONSTRATE the intent of what is written. So in comes Jesus on the scene. He is what they studied in written form, but this time what they studied showed up in the LIKENESS of them/US - HUMANS (sinful flesh). How He LIVED was a DEMONSTRATION of what they read and memorized in written form. Yet how He lived challenged their hearts ...their hearts did not line up with what is written. They rejected Jesus because He exposed the HEART of those who read and memorized scripture... but they could not DEMONSTRATE the INTENT of scripture because it was NOT in their hearts. They said one thing but they fed their hearts/minds with things opposite of what is written. And their actions demonstrated what was leading them. They thought they were covered up, but the light (JESUS) exposed that which was covered up. He did not RAISE one sword towards them. He simply DEMONSTRATED as he spoke of what he was showing as what he was showing/living/demonstrating was lined up with what is written.
We are in a time now where the true body of Christ will DEMONSTRATE/LIVE OUT the INTENT of the Word of God. Memorization of scriptures without a true heart to LIVE THEM OUT won't cut it. And you can't truly live them out unless you have received Jesus through repentance of sin, accepting what he did for us and following what He commanded us to do which is to be baptized in the name of the Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit.
Vincent J. McCaskill - Senior Pastor
By God Inspired Community Church - Southaven
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